Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Thought And Thought

Thought and thought for a long time since the time I don't know. Liked her pretty and beautiful eyes for all. Just only for her and only with her. No words are enough to describe her. Her beauty was amazing. Nothing probably in this world was quite like her. No one I mean no one. Her long hair, her cute and innocent face; man that was driving me crazy.

Thought and thought and thought still thought and finally decided

Thought, thought and finally decided

Thought, thought and finally decided

Thought, thought and finally decided

Thought, thought and finally decided

Thought, thought and finally decided

Thought, thought and finally decided

Thought, thought and finally decided

Thought, thought and finally decided

And finally decided that she was not my type. Actually what have you thought???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

1 comment:

  1. actually i also thought and thought and decided that she was also not of my type
